Thursday, February 14, 2008

Check out the Crossing's Student Ministries website. Nate has spent a lot of time redoing it! It looks great!


Lauren_Onan said...

So first of all I am commenting on your blog. Second of all I looked at Nate's website, but I found a typo, under contact information it says "...Ars Pastor" I think it is suppose to be arts. And I think he should put their name then their e-mail b/c you don't know the name of the person you are e-mail by their e-mail addresses. Just a helpful tip :) LOVE YOU BOTH!!

m worsham said...

two things... one... i looked at that website and i really liked it, it looked like something nate would put together! and two, the picture on this post really made me laugh and i love you and miss you