Wednesday, January 30, 2008

House Church

Nate and I lead a House Church on Wednesday nights. These are small groups designed to build community not just with you group but with one or two others. We have two girls groups and a guys at a family of the churches house. We eat a meal together (which different people bring: last week I made pasta, this week someone's mom brought sloppy joes!!) then we do announcements, worship, and talk about anything else that is important.

Each house church picks a country that they want to impact this year. Our students picked Asia. A girl in the church was there first semester on a missions trip so they collected money to send her a care package. Now were working with Gospel for Asia. A missions organizations. Are students bring money each week and are trying to buy GFA-missionaries a bicycle. I think its such a cool thing that these students are thinking not only outside themselves, their schools, church, home but also their country.

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