Monday, April 14, 2008

The Crossing's Newsletter

7 Questions for Nate Johnson

  1. What do you do for The Crossing and tell us about your family. I am the Creative Arts Pastor for student ministries and my wife and I moved to Las Vegas from Kentucky this past January. Emily and I have been married for a little over a year but have been dating since early High School. I have two older brothers and one older sister. My parents have been happily married for over 35 years.

  2. What is your favorite thing about working with students?
    My favorite part about working with students is the energy and joy I get by being around them. My passion and desire to show Jesus Christ is increased every time I get to hang out with a student. I have had many young adults invest in my life, which has impacted my walk with Christ greatly. To think that God would want to use me in impacting students is a very humbling mission.

  3. If you had the opportunity to meet one public figure of your choice, who would you pick?
    If I could meet any public figure it would have to be Bono from U2. Not only is he the lead singer of one of my favorite bands of all time, but I would love to talk to him about some of the issues that he speaks passionately about.

  4. What are you listening to right now?
    I am listening to an EP of a Christian band that is called The Myriad. I love their driving sound and purposeful lyrics.

  5. What’s your favorite thing about Las Vegas so far?
    My favorite thing about Las Vegas so far is that no matter where I go in this town, I can see the Luxor light. Not only is it a symbol that I actually live in Las Vegas, but also, I get turned around a lot and it helps me always know where the strip is in relation to where I am going.

  6. What’s your favorite sports team?
    My favorite sports team is and always will be the University of Kentucky Wildcats. No matter what sport it may be, I bleed blue!

  7. Where is your favorite place you have traveled to?
    My most favorite place that I have visited has to be Northern Ireland. I went there on a mission trip a few years ago and I was blown away by how many different shades of green there could be in one area.


m worsham said...

i liked that! i thought it was interesting!

Anonymous said...

was Nate strapped to an interogating chair when they asked him these questions? Seemed kind of dry/unenthusiastic/ or robotic. Perhaps Nate is lying and actually has very different answers but those are the ones they "wanted" him to give. Does Jack Bauer work at this church?

stephanie said...

i dont like this because nate does not mention me anywhere in this interview. that pisses me off.